CSS Rollover Image Effect - Change Image on Hover

Rollover image is a design feature where an image changes when your mouse hovers over it. Think of a light bulb that turns on and off when you move your mouse cursor into that area of a page. When a page is loading, rollover images are preloaded into it to ensure that the rollover effect is displayed quickly.

This used to be implemented using JavaScript, which is fairly easy with just a small amount of script involved. To make rollover images functional, onmouseover and onmouseout attributes are used to a link tag. The code is then added to a blog gadget or into a new post. It proved to have a number of disadvantages, however, which is why many web developers are using a CSS-only method.

css rollover image

How to create a rollover image using CSS

Here is how to implement a rollover image using CSS. Before getting started, we need to have two images ready, one in its initial/static state as well as its rollover state.

The Image

Place both the static and rollover image in one file and make sure that the rollover image is placed on top of the static one. To achieve the rollover effect, we'll write a code to display the static image and crop the hover image, so that only one image state is displayed at a time.

For this tutorial, we'll use the following as a CSS rollover image.

html rollover image

Creating an HTML Anchor Element for our Image

Instead of adding the image file in a <img> tag, we'll display it as a background image of an </a> (anchor) tag. Here's the HTML that we need to add:
<a class="rolloverimage" href="#URL">Rollover Image</a>
Note: if you want to make the image clickable, replace #URL with the url of the webpage where you want the link to point to.

Using CSS to Set a Background Image

To create the mouseover image effect, we'll use the :hover CSS pseudo-class. Then, we'll use the background-position property and set the values to 0 0 to move the background image to the upper left corner which will create the rollover effect.
<style type="text/css">
display: block;
width: 56px;
height: 90px;
background: url('https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEghvUi2PqP5_a81N6lMolVGd2FJCTQhi3vlAabIMoIyhq-2k5mZRhQlVobhyxPr0UmDY0MIxx7rQpaRb-NR7YBwkuyQ7XfttTvj4cxUFWnTGn3YQMdOJsaEeN6Qs4HnMpE9ZbMgyrxV-fA1/s180/rollover-image-light-bulb-on-off.png') bottom;
text-indent: -99999px;
background-position: 0 0;
Note: Replace the text in blue with the url of your image file. Please pay attention on the width and height values marked in red, these should be different depending on your file, where the height value is for only one image and not the entire image file!

The result

Hover your mouse cursor over the light bulb to see the rollover image effect in action:

Rollover Image

Adding Rollover Image to Blogger

To add the rollover image as a gadget: copy both the HTML/CSS codes and go to 'Layout', click on the 'Add a Gadget' link > select HTML/JavaScript, then paste the codes in the 'Content' box.

Or, if you want to add it inside one of your posts, when you create a New Post, switch to the 'HTML' tab and paste the codes inside the empty box.

And this is how you make images swap on mouseover using CSS. Enjoy!

How to Create a Static Home Page in Blogger

When it comes to home pages, most websites can be divided into two: static and non-static. As their name implies, static home pages stay permanent no matter how many times the website is updated, while non-static home pages reflect the changes that are made to the site and show the latest posts first.

The latter has become well-known nowadays due to the rising popularity of personal and even corporate blogs. However, there are still many people who prefer static home pages because it makes their websites look more organized and professional. It also gives them more control over the readers' experience on their site and helps them create stronger brand awareness through the uniform message that their home page presents.

Fortunately, if you own a Blogger site and want to make your home page static, you'll find that creating one isn't as difficult as it seems. You can create a static home page in Blogger by taking these steps:

static pages in Blogger

1. Create your static home page

The first thing you should do is to create a new page for your blog. This will serve as your static home page but, for now, it will look and act like any other page in your site.

To make this page, you'll need to go to the main menu of the Blogger dashboard and click on the "Pages" option on the left side on the screen. Doing this will lead you to the "All Pages" menu window. Here, click on the "New Page" button and you'll enter an editor that looks similar to the Blogger Post editor that you use when publishing a new blog post.

static home page

At the top box, enter the title that you want for this page - in this case, let's call it the "Welcome" page. In the larger text box, type the content that you want to appear on your home page; this can be a paragraph, or two about yourself or your business and what your site is all about.

Once you're done, click "Publish". The window will return to the main "All Pages" menu, and you'll see the new "Welcome" page you've created. Copy the URL of the "Welcome" page since you'll need it later on. To do this, right click on the 'View' link and select 'Copy Link Location' from the menu.

2. Redirect the default home page to the static one

Once your "Welcome" page is up, the next thing you should do is to change Blogger's default homepage. This involves redirecting from your site's original home page to the static homepage that you've created so it would be the first thing that people see when they visit your website.

Related: How to Set Custom Redirects in Blogger

To do this, you'll need to go to main Blogger editor menu, click on "Settings" on the left side of the screen, and choose "Search Preferences". Under the "Errors and redirections" section, you'll see the "Custom Redirects" option with an "Edit" link beside it. Click on the "Edit" link to open another window, where you'll see two boxes named "From" (with your blog's URL beside it) and "To".

In the "From" box, enter only a forward slash symbol "/". In the "To" box, paste the URL that you copied earlier and add the latter part of the URL of the "Welcome" page. For instance, the page's URL of our demo blog is static-home-page.blogspot.com/welcome.html, so we'll remove the "http://static-home-page.blogspot.com" address and add only "/p/welcome.html" in the "To:" box. The "/p" signifies that it's a static page.

Next, check the little box beside "Permanent", click on the "Save" text link, and press the "Save changes" button. Doing these will redirect your site's main URL to its new static home page. Access your blog on a separate browser to see if it works.

3. Make tabs for your site

If you're not planning to make tabs visible in your blog, you can stop at Step #2. But, if you want your site to have tabs that indicate the home page, the main blog page, and other pages you may have (such as the FAQs and Contact Us pages), you'll need to take another step.

Why is this important? Basically, when visible tabs are enabled in your site, they will show that you have two existing pages: the default home page and the new "Welcome" page you've created - both of which redirect to the same static page. This can be confusing for your readers and may even affect your search engine rankings.

To fix this, you first need to enable tabs by going to the "Layout" menu item and click on the "Add a Gadget" link. You can choose to add it below your blog header or sidebar. In many cases, it's advisable to add it below blog's header since they're more visible and give your website a sleek, professional look.

Once the pop-up window opens, scroll down and click on the 'Pages' link:

This will open another window named "Configure Page List". Here, under the "Pages to show" section, you'll see the default home page and your new static homepage with small boxes beside them. Uncheck the box beside the default home page to hide it from view, check the pages that you want to display in the menu and then click on the "Save" button to save the changes.

You can stop at this point but, if you want, you can also create a specific tab that will lead to your main blog post page. To do this, edit the "Pages" gadget that you just saved and click "+ Add external link".

On the new window that would open, enter the title you'd like for the page (such as "Blog") along with /index.html web address, then hit "Save Link" and click the "Save" button on the "Configure Page List" window.

Now, view your site and you will see the pages menu containing the "Welcome" page and "Blog" tabs. To see how this works, you can also visit our demo blog. Enjoy!

Final Note

Having a static home page can be beneficial for your blog. Follow the steps above now to create a static home page in Blogger!

Share Blogger Post Automatically to Facebook using IFTTT

Automatically posting a blog post to Facebook used to be a challenge. The idea was simple, which is to notify Facebook that you have a blog you want posted on your wall, and the social media will do as you command. The implementation, however, was more complicated than that.

Even with Facebook's post-by-email feature, only the blog name and title will appear on the wall, leaving behind the content or link. There are other plugins available, but they don't work as straightforward as they're supposed to be. There is always something missing.

How to Share Blogger post automatically to Facebook using IFTTT

Here is an online utility IFTTT (If This, Then That), which is capable of moving social postings between sites. Setting it up is fairly easy, and just as easy to use. So, let's see how we can share Blogger posts automatically to Facebook using IFTTT.

Step 1. Sign up for a free IFTTT account

Visit IFTTT.com and set up an account by creating a username and password.

sign up IFTTT to connect Blogger with Facebook

Now, IFTTT will take you through a mini-tutorial - click on the word 'this', 'that' and 'Continue' button several times. Finally, select 3 channels that interest you and click 'Continue' to finish with the registration.

Step 2. Create a new recipe

Once registered, we need to 'Create a Recipe'. A recipe is basically the process of combining two platforms together - in our case, we will combine Blogger with Facebook. This shouldn't take more than five minutes.

To get started, click the 'My Recipes' link and then click the 'Create a Recipe' button, as shown below:

create IFTTT Blooger to Facebook recipe

Start creating the recipe by clicking the blue 'this' word and select a "trigger channel". The trigger you need to choose is Blogger - search for it in the box, as illustrated below:

create Blogger recipe using IFTTT

Step 3. Connect Blogger blog with IFTTT

Connect your Blogger account in order to tie it with your IFTTT account. A 'Request for Permission' pop-up will appear > click the 'Allow' button and choose which blog you want to use with IFTTT from the drop-down menu, then click the 'Update' button.

add Blogger blog to IFTTT for automatic posting

After our Blogger blog has been connected, 'Choose a Trigger' that allows you to specify what kind of posts will be published to Facebook. You can choose 'Any new post' or 'New posts labeled'.

automatically publish new Blogger post using IFTTT

Finally, press the blue 'Create Trigger' button to proceed to the next step.

connect Facebook to Blogger to post automatically

Step 4. Creating the 'That' trigger

After registration, Create a Recipe that will specify the direction with which your blog posting will take. Since you want to link Blogger to Facebook, then the Recipe will be - if Blogger, then Facebook. What you're doing is replacing 'this' to Blogger, which is the source, and 'that' to Facebook, which is the target destination.

if Blogger then Facebook IFTTT

To set up 'that', click on the blue-colored 'that'. This will bring up a window that contains a list of social media sites. Search for 'Facebook' in the box and select the 'Facebook Pages' option (select the plain 'Facebook' option if you want to post to your personal profile).

choose action channel IFTTT facebook

Step 5. Connect Facebook page with IFTTT

Connect your Facebook account. Make sure you are logged into your Facebook account, before you connect. Pressing the 'Connect' button will open a pop-up window to allow IFTTT post on your Facebook page, then select your Facebook page.

connect facebook pages channel on IFTTT

Hit the 'Done' and 'Continue to the next step' buttons and we're almost done...

You will be prompted to 'Choose an Action', where you get to specify if you only want to 'Create a status message', 'Create a link post', or 'Update a photo from URL'. Choose 'Create a link post' as shown below:

post Blogger automatically to facebook

Step 6. Choosing the ingredients

Once you choose an action, a 'Complete Action Fields' window will appear with 'Link URL' and 'Message' box. To add an ingredient, click on the 'Message' field and you'll see a test tube icon on the right hand side. If you click it, a drop-down menu will appear which will let you choose a field to include - select 'PostTitle' and click 'Add Ingredient' blue button on the right side.

IFTTT Blogger recipe ingredients for Facebook

If you are unsure of what each ingredient does, please visit this page.

Step 7. Finish creating the recipe

Finally, click the blue 'Create Action' button and your recipe should look something like this:

share blogger post automatically to facebook

To complete your recipe, hit the 'Create Recipe' button.

And that's it! This is how IFTTT recipes are created. Next time you publish a Blogger post, it will be automatically shared to Facebook.

How to Hide Posts from Blogger Homepage

The point of blogging is to make your blog posts visible to your target audience as well as to search engines. However, there are times when you need to hide certain blog posts from homepage. For instance, one post may contain outdated information, so you don't want it to be seen by your audience but you also want to keep it on your site for records purposes. Or perhaps you want a certain post to still be seen on your blog, but you don't want it to show in the home page.

Either way, you have to find ways to hide certain blog posts. Fortunately, if you're using Blogger, you can easily do so by taking a few simple steps. You can use this guide to get started.

hide post from home page

Backdate Blogger Posts

Let's discuss this technique first since it's simple and doesn't require you to deal with any lines of code. Basically, the only thing you need to do is to change the publishing date of the post you want to hide; specifically, you need to backdate it to the oldest possible date. Doing this is effective if your Blogger site is configured to show the latest posts first (as most blogs are); once a post is backdated, it will no longer be shown in the home page.

How do you do this? If you're publishing a new post and want to hide it, look for the "Schedule" option on the right side of the post editor and click on "Set date and time". Choose a previous date on the calendar, click 'Done' and Save the post, then go back to your blog's home page to check if the post has disappeared.

backdate post, schedule blogger post

The same process applies if you want to hide an older post; the only difference is that you need to click on the post's title in the dashboard to open it in the editor. Backdate the post using the steps above and save it, then open your blog to verify that the post is indeed hidden from view.

Please note that this process will only hide your posts from the homepage. People will still be able to see them if they'd take the time to go through your blog posts from the previous years. This is also the case for those who'd come across your hidden blog post through search engines.

Hide Blog Posts in Blogger Using Code

Another thing you can do to hide a blog post is to edit its code. This is a bit complicated since one small mistake can affect the post structure and make it unreadable. This, in turn, can affect your readers' experience as they browse through your site and even have a negative effect on your search engine optimization techniques. With this in mind, it's important to be careful when dealing with code.

Method 1: Hide Blogger Post Using the Post's label

There are two techniques to choose from, and one of them involves the label of the blog post you want to hide. If you're ready to go ahead with this method, you'll first need to make a backup of your template. Having a backup is important since it ensures you'll have a copy to fall back on in case something goes wrong.

Once you've backed up the template, go to "Templates", click on "Edit HTML" and then click anywhere inside the code area -> press CTRL + F keys and search for this line:
<b:include data='post' name='post'/>
Once you've found it, replace it with this code:
<b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'>
<b:loop values='data:post.labels' var='label'>
        <b:if cond='data:label.isLast == "true"'>
            <b:if cond='data:label.name != "add label here"'>
                <b:include data='post' name='post' />
    <b:include data='post' name='post' />
Note: replace the text "add label here" with the label (case sensitive) of the blog post that you want to hide in Blogger homepage. Keep in mind that above code won't work if you have multiple labels on that post, so please make sure the post has only 1 label.

Important: every post that you want to show on the homepage should have at least one label otherwise they will not be visible because the b:loop statement won't be executed for them.

Finally, Save the changes by pressing the 'Save template' button on the upper left side of the editor, then view your blog to check if the blog post has been hidden.

Method 2: Hide Blogger Post Using the Post's ID Number

Aside from the method above, you can use another technique that involves the post ID number of the blog post you'd like to hide. To know the ID number, you must go to the dashboard area, find the title of the post you want to hide, and click the "Edit" text link below it. Doing this will open the post in the Blogger editor.

Once you're in the editor, click on the address bar above and go to the end part of the URL. Here, you'll see a line of text that looks like this: postID==, followed by a long string of numbers. This is your post's ID number. The ID number usually contains 19 numbers, so it will look somehow like this: postID==1234567890123456789. Copy this ID since you'll need it for the next step.

hide blogger post using id

When you have your blog post's ID, open the Blogger dashboard, go to Template, and click "Edit HTML". Search for this line:
<div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype='http://schema.org/BlogPosting'>
Replace it with this one:
<div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template' expr:id='&quot;post-&quot; + data:post.id' itemprop='blogPost' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype='http://schema.org/BlogPosting'>
Note: if you found two occurrences of it, replace both of them.

Now search for this tag:

Once you find it, paste the following code above it:
<b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'>
<style type='text/css'>

Don't forget to replace "1234567890123456789" with the 19-digit ID number of the blog post you'd like to hide. Once you're done, make sure to save the template. You can open your blog in another tab or browser to check if the post has indeed been hidden.

That's it!

Whether you backdate your post or opt for the post ID method, you have to remember that the blog post you've hidden is still on your website. This means that it will still be indexed by search engines, show up on search engine results, and get found by people who are searching for the keywords that are present in the post. If you really want this blog post to be seen by no one, you'll need to use robots.txt (for Google) to remove it from search results. Better yet, completely delete the post from your Blogger dashboard and just keep a soft copy of it in your computer.

Customizable Related Posts Widget for Blogger

We already posted a few tutorials on how to add related posts widget with thumbnails in Blogger with summaries or only titles, which can be compiled into a single All-In-One Widget with powerful options. This new customizable related posts widget for Blogger integrates all the features we've seen before and more, such as thumbnails (square or round), post dates, excerpts, display only titles / thumbnails.

Now let's see what this related posts blogger widget has to offer.

related posts widget, blogger widget

Related Posts Widget Features:

  • 9 attractive styles to match your needs
  • Show Title, excerpt & thumbnails
  • Display simple related posts with titles / summaries / post date
  • Choose whether to display the post thumbnails or not
  • Ability to control the thumbnail image size
  • Option to choose square or round thumbnails
  • Show post text excerpts
  • Control the length of the post excerpt / title
  • Determine the number of related posts to display


  1. The related posts widget recognizes post thumbnails uploaded through Blogger itself (or Picasa Web Albums), other images from Photobucket, Flickr, or other non-Blogger hosts will not be supported.
  2. This widget is compatible with the standard desktop Blogger templates except Dynamic Views, which does not accept customization.
  3. The script does not work on private blogs, so your blog / site must be open to the public in order to show.

Adding Customizable Related Posts Widget in Blogger

Log into your Blogger dashboard, go to 'Template' and open template editor by clicking the 'Edit HTML' button below 'Live On Blog' preview.

Next, we're going to use the template search feature, be sure to follow these directions exactly:

1. Place your cursor on the template code.
2. Click once.
3. Press CTRL and F at the same time (PC) or Command and F (Mac).

The search box will open in the upper right corner of the template editor.

Type </head> in the search box, then press ENTER. This will take you to the </head> tag in your template and highlight it in yellow.

Select and copy the entire CSS style below and paste it directly ABOVE the </head> tag:
<style type='text/css'>
.related-posts-container{margin:55px 0px;}.related-posts-container h4{font:20px &#39;Open Sans&#39;, sans-serif;margin-bottom:20px;}.related-posts-container ul,.related-posts-container ul li{list-style: none;margin: 0;padding: 0;}.related-posts-container ul li a{text-transform:capitalize !important;font:bold 13px &#39;Open Sans&#39;, sans-serif;outline: 0;}.related-snippets{margin-top:5px;font:italic 12px &#39;Open Sans&#39;, sans-serif;}.related-posts-1 li{list-style:inside none disc !important;}.related-posts-1 li,.related-posts-2 li{border-top:1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.04);padding:0.8em 0 !important;}.related-posts-1 li:first-child,.related-posts-2 li:first-child{border-top:medium none;}li.related-post-item{margin:0 3% 3% 0 !important;width:22.7%;float:left;list-style:none;position:relative;}li.related-post-item:last-child{margin:0 0 2% !important;}.related-thumb-large{width:100%;height:auto;border:none;margin:0px auto 10px;padding:0 !important;}.related-posts-8 li .related-title,.related-posts-9 li .related-title,.related-posts-9 li .related-snippets{padding-left:74px;}.related-posts-8 li:nth-child(even),.related-posts-9 li:nth-child(even){margin:0 0 4% !important;}.related-posts-8 li,.related-posts-9 li{background-color:#ffffff;box-shadow:0 0 4px rgba(180, 180, 180, 0.55);width:42% !important;float:left;margin:0 4% 4% 0 !important;padding:3% !important;}.related-thumb{float:left;height:64px;margin-right:10px;object-fit:cover;width:64px;}.related-posts-6 li,.related-posts-6 a{line-height:0 !important;}.related-posts-6 .related-thumb-large{margin-bottom:0;}.related-posts-7 li.related-post-item{margin:0 !important;width:25% !important;}.related-wrapper{position:absolute;left:0px;right:0;top:0px;bottom:0;margin:0 auto;z-index:4;background:rgba(77,77,77,0.2);}.related-wrapper-inner{position:relative;height:100%;z-index:99;width:100%;display:table;vertical-align:middle;text-align:center;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box;}.related-wrapper .related-title{vertical-align:middle;display:table-cell;color:#ffffff;font:bold 16px &#39;Open Sans&#39;, sans-serif;padding:0 20px;}.related-date{margin-top:5px;font:italic 11px &#39;Open Sans&#39;, sans-serif;color:#999999;}

Next, we need to add the script  - search for the following line:
<b:includable id='postQuickEdit' var='post'>

Once you found it, click the small arrow not beside it but with one level above to expand code and scroll down until you see </b:includable> - right below this tag, you should see the line including the "postQuickEdit" id.

See the screenshot for more help:

Just ABOVE the </b:includable> tag, add the following script:
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<div class='related-posts-container' id='related-posts-widget'/>
<div style='clear: both;'/>
<script type='text/javascript'>
var labelArray = [<b:if cond='data:post.labels'><b:loop values='data:post.labels' var='label'>&quot;<data:label.name/>&quot;<b:if cond='data:label.isLast != &quot;true&quot;'>,</b:if></b:loop></b:if>];
var relatedSettings = {
relatedHeading:&quot;&lt;h4&gt;&lt;span&gt;Related Posts&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/h4&gt;&quot;,
<script type='text/javascript'>
var randomRelatedIndex,startRelated;!function(a,b,c){var d={callBack:function(){}};for(var e in relatedSettings)d[e]="undefined"==relatedSettings[e]?d[e]:relatedSettings[e];var f=function(a){var d=b.createElement("script");d.type="text/javascript",d.src=a,c.appendChild(d)},g=function(a,b){return Math.floor(Math.random()*(b-a+1))+a},h=function(a){var c,d,b=a.length;if(0===b)return!1;for(;--b;)c=Math.floor(Math.random()*(b+1)),d=a[b],a[b]=a[c],a[c]=d;return a},i="object"==typeof labelArray&&labelArray.length>0?"/-/"+h(labelArray)[0]:"",j=function(a){var b=a.feed.openSearch$totalResults.$t-d.relatedPosts,c=g(1,b>0?b:1);f(d.blogURL.replace(/\/$/,"")+"/feeds/posts/summary"+i+"?alt=json-in-script&orderby=updated&start-index="+c+"&max-results="+d.relatedPosts+"&callback=startRelated")},k=function(a){var l,m,n,o,p,q,b=document.getElementById("related-posts-widget"),c=h(a.feed.entry),e=d.relatedStyle,f=d.relatedHeading+'<ul class="related-posts-'+e+'">',g=d.openNewTab?' target="_blank"':"",i=d.centerText?"text-align:center;":"",j=d.roundThumbs?"-webkit-border-radius:50%;-moz-border-radius:50%;border-radius:50%;":"",k='<span style="display:block;clear:both;"></span>';if(b){for(var r=0;r<d.relatedPosts&&r!=c.length;r++){n=c[r].title.$t,o="auto"!==d.titleLength&&d.titleLength<n.length?n.substring(0,d.titleLength)+"&hellip;":n,p="media$thumbnail"in c[r]&&d.thumbnailSize!==!1?c[r].media$thumbnail.url.replace(/\/s[0-9]+(\-c)?/,"/"+d.thumbnailSize):d.defaultThumb,l=h(c[r].published.$t);for(var s=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12],t=["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"],u=l.split("-")[2].substring(0,2),v=l.split("-")[1],w=l.split("-")[0],x=0;x<s.length;x++)if(parseInt(v)==s[x]){v=t[x];break}postdate=v+" "+u+" "+w,q="summary"in c[r]&&d.snippetLength>0?c[r].summary.$t.replace(/<br ?\/?>/g," ").replace(/<.*?>/g,"").replace(/[<>]/g,"").substring(0,d.snippetLength)+"&hellip;":"";for(var y=0,z=c[r].link.length;y<z;y++)m="alternate"==c[r].link[y].rel?c[r].link[y].href:"#";1==e?f+='<li><a href="'+m+'" '+g+">"+o+"</a></li>":2==e?f+='<li><a href="'+m+'" '+g+'><div class="related-title">'+o+'</div></a><div class="related-snippets">'+q+"</div></li>":3==e?f+='<li class="related-post-item" style="'+i+'"><a href="'+m+'" '+g+'><img alt="" class="related-thumb-large" src="'+p+'" style="'+j+'"><div class="related-title">'+o+'</div></a><div class="related-snippets">'+q+"</div></li>":4==e?f+='<li class="related-post-item" style="'+i+'"><a href="'+m+'" '+g+'><img alt="" class="related-thumb-large" src="'+p+'" style="'+j+'"><div class="related-title">'+o+'</div></a><div class="related-date">'+postdate+"</div></li>":5==e?f+='<li class="related-post-item" style="'+i+'"><a href="'+m+'" '+g+'><img alt="" class="related-thumb-large" src="'+p+'" style="'+j+'"><div class="related-title">'+o+"</div></a></li>":6==e?f+='<li class="related-post-item"><a href="'+m+'" '+g+'><img alt="" class="related-thumb-large" src="'+p+'" style="'+j+'"><div class="related-wrapper" style="'+j+'"><div class="related-wrapper-inner"><div class="related-title">'+o+"</div></div></div></a></li>":7==e?f+='<li class="related-post-item"><a href="'+m+'" '+g+'><img alt="" class="related-thumb-large" src="'+p+'" style="'+j+'"></a></li>':8==e?f+='<li class="related-post-item"><a class="related-post-item-wrapper" href="'+m+'" '+g+'><img alt="" class="related-thumb" src="'+p+'" style="'+j+'"><div class="related-title">'+o+'</div></a><div class="related-date">'+postdate+"</div></li>":9==e&&(f+='<li><a href="'+m+'" '+g+'><img alt="" class="related-thumb" src="'+p+'" style="'+j+'"><div class="related-title">'+o+'</div></a><div class="related-snippets">'+q+"</div></li>")}b.innerHTML=f+="</ul>"+k,d.callBack()}};randomRelatedIndex=j,startRelated=k,f(d.blogURL.replace(/\/$/,"")+"/feeds/posts/summary"+i+"?alt=json-in-script&orderby=updated&max-results=0&callback=randomRelatedIndex")}(window,document,document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]);

How to Customize the Related Posts Widget for Blogger?

To change the 'Related Posts' text that appears above the widget, modify the text in red:
relatedHeading: &quot;&lt;h4&gt;&lt;span&gt;Related Posts&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/h4&gt;&quot;,

To change the number of posts to display, change the '4' value from this line:
relatedPosts: 4,

Note: you may need to change the percentages in the CSS styles above in order to make posts fit the related container. Just follow the values in red and play with them until you get the best results.

To change the style of the related posts widget, modify the '4' value from:
relatedStyle: 4,

Available Related Posts Styles

  1. simple related posts widget that will show post titles only
  2. display post titles and snippets
  3. display post thumbnails, titles and snippets
  4. display related posts thumbnails, titles and post date (shows by default)
  5. display related posts thumbnails and titles
  6. post titles in front of thumbnails, instead of having them below the thumbnail
  7. display thumbnails only
  8. small thumbnail with titles on the right and date below
  9. small thumbnails with post titles and excerpts on the right

Customizing the Related Post Thumbnail Size & Style

By default, thumbnails are resized and cropped automatically to be 300px wide by 200px tall. If you want to change the width and height of the thumbnails, modify the '300' and '200' values from:
thumbnailSize: &quot;w300-h200-p-nu&quot;,
defaultThumb: &quot;https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhZiTFnZTMtj2iwor13WUZxN4j0Qy44_02CtztPDWtO5Vs4K0jGo3QRW6DwXjGoOFlddCt8yxQx2ExTUW0zR2C5YICcKYM-ODP_bXvm78G8irG5nEHz-Tepw0Jz7i-LpojArfS4NZmQJKmL/300-h200-c/no-thumb.png&quot;,
Note: 'w' comes from width, 'h' comes from height. To make the thumbnails square, change the 'h' (height) value and make it equal with 'w' (width) value. A higher value will result in more high-res images.

If you want thumbnails have rounded corners, change 'false' with 'true':

Customizing Related Titles & Excerpts

To shorten the post title, change auto with the number of characters to show:
titleLength: &quot;auto&quot;,

To reduce or add more characters to the snippets, change the "45" value:
snippetLength: 45,

If you want to center text (title and summary), change 'false' to 'true':

To open links in a new tab when visitors click on a related post, change "false" to "true":
openNewTab: false

Once you're done with the settings, click the 'Save Template' button and now you can see the related posts widget live on your Blogger blog.

Final words

That's it! With the new customizable Related Posts widget for Blogger you will be able to add unique features to the related content section of your blog. However, all of these styles look and work slightly different, so take your time, and pick your favorite.

Add Load More Posts or Infinite Scrolling to Blogger

You might have seen the implementation of infinite scrolling at Facebook, Twitter or Google+. Instead of showing Older / Newer posts links, we can load posts dynamically whenever a "Load more posts" button is clicked, or by scrolling down the page. This tutorial will show you how to implement Ajax based loading script that will add Load More Posts or Infinite Scrolling to Blogger, so that visitors can easily navigate without reloading the page.

How it works?

- You have the option to add a 'Load More Posts' button or load automatically the older posts as visitors scroll down the page.
- Once implemented, Load More Posts / Infinite Scrolling applies to all Blogger posts on index pages (homepage, archive, label pages). It can't be added on individual posts.


To see it live, check out the demo below. When you scroll down to the bottom of the page, you will see the "Load More Posts" button. Once you click it, the next 3 posts set to display will load below.

infinite scrolling, load more posts

Adding Load More Posts or Infinite Scrolling to Blogger

1. Log into your Blogger account and click on your blog where you want to add it.
2. Go to 'Theme' and click the 'Edit HTML' button to open the Template editor > click anywhere in the code area and press CTRL + F keys (or Command + F) to open the search box.

3. Type the tag below in the search box and press ENTER to find it:
4. Just above the </body> tag, add the script below:

a. If you want to load posts with 'Load More Posts' button like in the demo blog, add this script:
<script src='https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.2.0/jquery.min.js'/>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;static_page&quot;'><b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;item&quot;'>
<script type='text/javascript'>
function resizeThumb(e,n){for(var t=document.getElementById(e).getElementsByTagName("img"),a=0;a<t.length;a++)t[a].src=t[a].src.replace(/\/s72\-c/,"/s"+n+"-c")}window.labelfx=function(){var e=function(e){var n=e||{},t=n.url_blog||window.location.host,a=n.id_labelcontent||"#labelfxn";$.ajax({url:"http://"+t+"/feeds/posts/summary?max-results=0&alt=json-in-script",type:"get",dataType:"jsonp",success:function(e){var n=e.feed.category,t="";if(void 0!==n){t="<ul class='labelx'>";for(var i=0;i<n.length;i++)t+='<li><a href="/search/label/'+encodeURIComponent(n[i].term)+'" target="_blank">'+n[i].term+"</a></li>";t+="</ul>",$(a).html(t)}else $(a).html("<span>No Label!</span>")},error:function(){$(a).html("<strong>Error Loading Feed!</strong>")}})};return function(n){e(n)}}(),resizeThumb("main",250),labelfx(),function(e){function n(n){e.getScript("http://"+n+".disqus.com/blogger_index.js")}function t(){s||(s=!0,o?(r.find("a").hide(),r.find("img").show(),e.ajax(o,{dataType:"html"}).done(function(t){var a=e("<div></div>").append(t.replace(l,"")),i=a.find("a.blog-pager-older-link");i?o=i.attr("href"):(o="",r.hide());var p=a.find(d).children(".date-outer");e(d).append(p),resizeThumb("main",250),window._gaq&&window._gaq.push(["_trackPageview",o]),window.gapi&&window.gapi.plusone&&window.gapi.plusone.go&&window.gapi.plusone.go(),window.disqus_shortname&&n(window.disqus_shortname),window.FB&&window.FB.XFBML&&window.FB.XFBML.parse&&window.FB.XFBML.parse(),window.twttr&&window.twttr.widgets&&window.twttr.widgets.load&&window.twttr.widgets.load(),r.find("img").hide(),r.find("a").show(),s=!1})):r.hide())}function a(){if("item"!=_WidgetManager._GetAllData().blog.pageType&&(o=e("a.blog-pager-older-link").attr("href"))){var n=e('<a class="loadpost" href="javascript:;" style="text-decoration:none;font:11px Open Sans, sans-serif;letter-spacing:1px;padding:10px 20px;background:#000000;color:#ffffff;">LOAD MORE POSTS</a>');n.click(t);var a=e('<img src="'+i+'" style="display: none;">');(r=e('<div style="display:block;text-align:center;margin:20px auto;"></div>')).append(n),r.append(a),r.insertBefore(e("#blog-pager")),e("#blog-pager").hide()}}var i="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj2gebBq3LBxmjqzlPzrzTEbGwDFlhBR4mKXJ0IMDTYTUfJLXOAJdD874Df9d-CiHnSv_UOrDo5WAodfRd8TBKvxn1I3w8dgntKUjVQQ8566_Xjv98S8ODLBT_70UhGPUB-41BXlgwl9MuJ/s1600/loader.gif",o="",r=null,d="div.blog-posts",s=!1,l=(e(window),e(document),/<script\b[^<]*(?:(?!<\/script>)<[^<]*)*<\/script>/gi);e(document).ready(a)}(jQuery);

b. If you want to add the infinite scrolling without button, paste this instead:
<script src='https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.2.0/jquery.min.js'/>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;static_page&quot;'><b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;item&quot;'>
<style type="text/css">.status-msg-wrap{display:none;}</style>
<script type='text/javascript'>
!function(i){function e(e){i.getScript("http://"+e+".disqus.com/blogger_index.js")}function t(){g||(g=!0,r?(w.find("a").hide(),w.find("img").show(),i.ajax(r,{dataType:"html"}).done(function(t){var n=i("<div></div>").append(t.replace(c,"")),o=n.find("a.blog-pager-older-link"),d=n.find(s).children();i(s).append(d),window._gaq&&window._gaq.push(["_trackPageview",r]),window.gapi&&window.gapi.plusone&&window.gapi.plusone.go&&window.gapi.plusone.go(),window.disqus_shortname&&e(window.disqus_shortname),window.FB&&window.FB.XFBML&&window.FB.XFBML.parse&&window.FB.XFBML.parse(),window.twttr&&window.twttr.widgets&&window.twttr.widgets.load&&window.twttr.widgets.load(),o?r=o.attr("href"):(r="",w.hide()),w.find("img").hide(),w.find("a").show(),g=!1})):w.hide())}function n(){return Math.max(p.height(),l.height(),document.documentElement.clientHeight)}function o(){n()-(p.scrollTop()+p.height())<150&&t()}function d(){if("item"!=_WidgetManager._GetAllData().blog.pageType&&(r=i("a.blog-pager-older-link").attr("href"))){var e=i('<a href="javascript:;">Load more posts</a>');e.click(t);var n=i('<img src="'+a+'" style="display: none;">');p.scroll(o),(w=i('<div style="text-align: center; font-size: 150%;"></div>')).append(e),w.append(n),w.insertBefore(i("#blog-pager")),i("#blog-pager").hide()}}var a="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj2gebBq3LBxmjqzlPzrzTEbGwDFlhBR4mKXJ0IMDTYTUfJLXOAJdD874Df9d-CiHnSv_UOrDo5WAodfRd8TBKvxn1I3w8dgntKUjVQQ8566_Xjv98S8ODLBT_70UhGPUB-41BXlgwl9MuJ/s1600/loader.gif",r="",w=null,s="div.blog-posts",g=!1,p=i(window),l=i(document),c=/<script\b[^<]*(?:(?!<\/script>)<[^<]*)*<\/script>/gi;i(document).ready(d)}(jQuery);

Note: This code uses jQuery library, so if you already have jQuery on your page, please remove the line in red highlighted above.

5. Click 'Save template' button and check the 'Load More Posts' button / Infinite Scrolling in your Blogger blog.


That's it! So this is how we can easily add Load More Posts / Infinite Scrolling to Blogger. From now on, our visitors can stay in same page and navigate through infinite number of posts on the fly!

How to Add AdSense Page-level ads in Blogspot

Recently, page-level ads were made available for blogspot bloggers and webmasters which means that you can now display AdSense Ads right on your mobile templates. You can now monetize your efforts on the templates as you do with mobile apps thanks to the Google Admob Ads.

Why Choose AdSense Page-level ads?

There are a number of reasons why you choose page-level ads from AdSense to bolster your revenue stream.
  • Increase Revenues
  • Provide Better User Experience
  • Two New Formats
  • Doesn't Count Against 3 Ad Limit
  • Optimized and Responsive to Mobile Needs

Page-level Ad Formats

Today, the two types of page-level ads available include Anchors which are ads places at the bottom of the screen and Vignettes which are full screen ads that work similar to Admob's Interstitial adverts.
Vignettes tend to be more effective for mobile advertising.

how to add adsense page-level ads in blogspot

How to Setup Page-Level Ads in Blogspot Blogs

The good news is that you can install these ads from AdSense fairly quickly and easily thanks to the process which guides you through.

1. Log into your AdSense Account
2. Click on this link
3. Click the two toggle buttons to switch on "Anchor/overlay ads" and "Vignette ads"

enable adsense page-level ads in blogger

4. Scroll down and click the "Get Code" button

enable adsense page-level ads in blogger

5. Copy the code

google adsense page-level ads code

6. Go to Blogger, then Template and Backup your Template
7. Click the 'Edit HTML' button and search for the </head> tag
8. Paste the page-level ad code above the </head> tag

Note: You will also need to replace the attribute async with async="async" in order to help complete the process, otherwise Blogger will give you an error message. Once you have completed these steps, all you need to do is save it to your template.

Test Page-level ads in your Blogger template

After installation, get out your mobile device so you can test the AdSense page-level ads and see if they are working correctly. You will need to be a visitor to your site in order to check out the ads.
  • Type #googleads at the end of the URL so you can access them
  • Select the ad format from the tabbed box that will appear above the body of the blog
  • Check out the ads
You will get to see the ads in action before the public does so that you can tell if they are working fine. If you are impressed with what you see, then it is ready to go. However, if you see something that you want to change or if the ads are not present, you'll need to start over again.

The Effectiveness of Page-level ads

Since October, 2015 when these ads were first rolled out the effectiveness that they have demonstrated is considerable. Today, the ads have been used in countries all over the world and they continue to impress. For those who have already used these mobile ads on WordPress or other blogger blogs you can see just how effective they have been in terms of reaching all of your visitors. In addition, the effect on your revenue may be considerable depending on the popularity of your blog.

In the end, AdSense page-level ads are remarkably effective for mobile use and will help you build a stronger income base for your blog.

How to Fix Mixed Content Errors in Blogspot Blogs

With HTTPS now automatic in Blogger the benefits have been considerable. However, there are some issues that are now facing bloggers thanks to this change in policy and one of the most common is mixed content errors.

What are mixed content errors?

This is when a web page becomes secured by SSL, but it contains both secure HTTPS and also the non-secure HTTP which is usually links, scripts, style sheets, video, and images. This results in browser errors that negatively affect the performance of your website and cause security issues. This means that source codes such as template, layout gadget, and post and paste may be causing the issues in the HTML side of the equation.

http to https

How to identify mixed content errors?

This is a fairly straightforward process that you can use through Google Chrome:

1. Visit blog using HTTPS, for example - https://yourblog.blogspot.com
2. Access the Chrome Menu at the top-right of your browser window and go to "More Tools" > "Developer Tools" and switch to the "Console" tab or use the CTRL + SHIFT + J keys to open the JavaScript console
3. Look in the Console for mixed content errors which will look similar to these:

mixed content, chrome console

Examples of mixed content errors include, but are not limited to the following:

- Insecure Script Request
- Insecure Image Request
- Insecure URL Request

You should list all unsecured URLs and visit the other pages on your blog to check for other mixed content errors.

Fix the mixed content errors in a Blogger template

To fix the errors encountered which may be found in the template or layout, you will need to do the following:

1. Go to Blogger and select your blog, then click on "Template" and press the "Edit HTML" button
2. Click anywhere in the code area and press CTRL + F to search for http://

http:// to https:// blogger

3. Replace all http:// prefixes with https://

Verify that the new URLs using the HTTPS addresses work by opening them in a new window on your browser. If the links you are receiving provide the same results, then you can Save Template.

To check for layout errors:

Go to Blogger and click on 'Layout' > check for any HTML/JavaScript gadget and click 'Edit' on each gadget. Replace all http:// prefixes with https:// then verify that they are working and hit Save.

Fix the mixed content errors in Blogger posts and pages

To check for post and page errors, do the following:

1. Log into your Blogger Dashboard and select your blog, then click on 'Posts' or 'Pages' and select any post or page > hit the "Edit" link below the Post/Page title.

2. Once the Post editor opens, switch to the "HTML" tab and press CTRL + F keys to look for http:// prefixes. After you found them, replace http:// with https://

fix mixed content errrors

Be sure to verify that the new link works by opening up your browser and testing them. After you've tested them, hit Update.

Update to the Blogger post editor to fix mixed content

To find and fix mixed content errors automatically, Blogger has released a warning tool that alerts you to possible mixed content issues in your posts. All you need to do is go to "Edit" inside a post, switch to the "HTML" tab and hit the Update button. All of the errors will be presented along with the ability to fix them. Once they have been corrected, hit Update.

mixed content error

In the end, fixing these types of errors will greatly improve the performance of your blog, particularly when it comes to pages that may have this particular issue with mixed content generating errors. It also applies to custom domains as well as long as you have an SSL certificate. All it takes is a few minutes and you can greatly improve your blog site that has been impeded with mixed content errors.

Automatic Featured Posts Slider Widget for Blogger

Anyone with a blog wants readers to stay rather than move on to another. It's not being selfish but after someone has read one post, you'd definitely want them to read another, right? After all, isn't it one of the tenets of SEO to make people stay longer on your blog if it has to have a fighting chance at the rankings game?

The question now is: how exactly do you entice them to read a few more of your blog posts?

First off, you don't know exactly what brought a reader to your site. Well, you sort of do, if you have Google Analytics and all that. But that's beside the point. It wouldn't be productive for you to stare at GA the entire day hoping that it will tell you that yes, someone has been perusing your blog.

The point being driven at here is that you have to offer more on your blog. It's not enough that you get traffic from search engines and other sites; you also have to add some extras that will entice visitors to stay longer.

How exactly do you do that?

The Tactics of Persuading Users to Stay

Bloggers have employed a variety of tactics to persuade readers to stay. For one, they load the sidebar with widgets for Popular Posts, for example. Of course, it would be in the interest of your readers to know which other posts on your blog are gaining traction. Maybe those pieces are of interest to them as well. As a result, you've got one surefire way of making readers stay.

Now, what if you want to highlight Featured Posts, for example? Let's say that your blog has been around for a number of years and in that span, it has produced some great content that received quite the number of shares, likes, +1s, comments on so on. Wouldn't that be the kind of post you want featured? Unless your reader was looking for that topic specifically, there's little chance that they might uncover that gem if you don't bring it to their attention.

Thankfully, it's quite possible to add a Featured Posts slider for Blogger. And if you don't know how to make one yourself, this is exactly what this post is for. Here's an awesome Featured Posts slider widget that you can use on your blog.

How to Add Featured Posts Slider Widget in Blogger

1. Go to 'Layout' > click the 'Add a gadget' link in the sidebar area and select 'HTML/JavaScript' gadget from the pop-up window.

2. Add the code below inside the empty box:
<style type="text/css">
ul.featured-widget-list,ul.featured-widget-list li{margin:0;padding:0;list-style:none;position:relative }ul.featured-widget-list li{display:none}ul.featured-widget-list li:nth-child(1){display:block;line-height:0}ul.featured-widget-list img{border:0;width:100%;height:auto}ul.featured-widget-list .featuredbg{width:100%;height:100%;position:absolute;z-index:2;left:0;top:0;opacity:.6;background-image:url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi2ZAl7KUgtY-2QVLTTp7aLhfraR_ntvTWWaBWtENj6gfUl8wL5ZnzYdo66JiPMCZtE3laqjOXaXlC0ONMcE357af3xolb7xau0f5tp23JGeeGb1aMEzaF1i4WBMbRqKRBb9NI6Nm8pSFw/s400/overlay-bg.png);background-position:0% 100%;background-repeat:repeat-x}ul.featured-widget-list .featuredbg:hover{opacity:.1}ul.featured-widget-list h5{position:absolute;left:0;right:0;text-align:center;bottom:10px;z-index:2;color:#fff;margin:0;text-transform: capitalize;padding:10px 20px;line-height:1.9em;letter-spacing:0.3px;font: 600 16px 'Abel', sans-serif;overflow:hidden}ul.featured-widget-list li:hover h5{bottom:30px}ul.featured-widget-list .featured-meta{font: 11px 'Abel', sans-serif;letter-spacing:0.3px;position:absolute;bottom:0;left:0;right:0;text-align:center;z-index:2;color:#fff;opacity:0}ul.featured-widget-list h5, ul.featured-widget-list .featured-meta {-webkit-transition: all 0.3s;-moz-transition: all 0.3s;-o-transition: all 0.3s;transition: all 0.3s;}ul.featured-widget-list li:hover .featured-meta{bottom:20px;opacity:1}.feat-buttons{position:absolute;top:50%;left:0;z-index:5;width:100%}
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function featuredbwidget(a){(function(e){var h={listURL:"",featuredNum:3,featuredID:"",feathumbSize:300,interval:5000,autoplay:false,loadingFeatured:"nextfeatured",pBlank:"https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjPpcvqIYFqSTSxN3uKnL1CrAGfh-mugoyYFhAf2pXnGDypJfRS7_eIEz0wZr9Gu7tk9TsmpkAFN5gFCp7quyqetoOkW29sw_EJpfQFkYFLv1tSxq9L8GpCN_kKgnW_D4lIcu7gPcjctyo/s500/no-image.png",byMonth:["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"],listbyLabel:false};h=e.extend({},h,a);var g=e(h.featuredID);var d=h.featuredNum*200;g.html('<div class="featslider"><ul class="featured-widget-list"></ul><div class="feat-buttons"><a href="#" class="feat-prev">Prev</a><a href="#" class="feat-next">Next</a></div></div>');var f=function(w){var q,k,m,u,x,p,t,v,r,l="",s=w.feed.entry;for(var o=0;o<s.length;o++){for(var n=0;n<s[o].link.length;n++){if(s[o].link[n].rel=="alternate"){q=s[o].link[n].href;break}}if("media$thumbnail" in s[o]){u=s[o].media$thumbnail.url.replace(/\/s[0-9]+\-c/g,"/s"+h.feathumbSize+"-c")}else{u=h.pBlank.replace(/\/s[0-9]+(\-c|\/)/,"/s"+h.feathumbSize+"$1")}k=s[o].title.$t;r=s[o].published.$t.substring(0,10);m=s[o].author[0].name.$t;x=r.substring(0,4);p=r.substring(5,7);t=r.substring(8,10);v=h.byMonth[parseInt(p,10)-1];l+='<li><a href="'+q+'"><div class="featuredbg"></div><img class="featuredthumb" src="'+u+'"/><h5>'+k+'</h5></a><div class="featured-meta"><span class="fdate"><span class="fday">'+t+'</span> <span class="fmonth">'+v+'</span> <span class="fyear">'+x+'</span></span> - <span class="fauthor">'+m+"</span></div></li>"}e("ul",g).append(l).addClass(h.loadingFeatured)};var c=function(){e(h.featuredID+" .feat-next").click()};var b=function(){e.get((h.listURL===""?window.location.protocol+"//"+window.location.host:h.listURL)+"/feeds/posts/summary"+(h.listbyLabel===false?"":"/-/"+h.listbyLabel)+"?max-results="+h.featuredNum+"&orderby=published&alt=json-in-script",f,"jsonp");setTimeout(function(){e(h.featuredID+" .feat-prev").click(function(){e(h.featuredID+" .featslider li:first").before(e(h.featuredID+" .featslider li:last"));return false});e(h.featuredID+" .feat-next").click(function(){e(h.featuredID+" .featslider li:last").after(e(h.featuredID+" .featslider li:first"));return false});if(h.autoplay){var i=h.interval;var j=setInterval(c,i);e(h.featuredID+" .featslider li:first").before(e(h.featuredID+" .featslider li:last"));e(h.featuredID+" .featslider").hover(function(){clearInterval(j)},function(){j=setInterval(c,i)})}e("ul",g).removeClass(h.loadingFeatured)},d)};e(document).ready(b)})(jQuery)};

Automatic Featured Posts Slider Settings

  • listURL - replace "https://helplogger.blogspot.com/" with your blog URL
  • featuredNum - add the number of posts to display in the slider
  • listbyLabel - if you want to display posts by category / label, such as the tag fashion, it will be written as listbyLabel: "fashion"
  • feathumbSize - the size or dimension of the image in pixels
  • interval - time taken to change the slides position in milliseconds
  • autoplay - replace true with false if you don't want the slides to change automatically.
3. Once you are done with the settings, click the 'Save' button.

Now, this code is for a slider widget which means that instead of just a random list of Featured Posts, you get to display them with images (if they have one) and you can include effects too. You can also control how many slides should be shown because it just wouldn't be prudent to feature your entire oeuvre, right?

Plus, being a slider widget, it adds a nice little visual to your site. And we all know how visuals are important in enticing people to stay, don't we?

Blogger.com turns on HTTPS on all blogspot domain blogs

For many bloggers, enabling the free HTTPS support for your blog on blogspot offers a number of benefits. However, if the latest news from Blogger.com is true you may not need to manually enable the HTTPS support from now on. Every current non-HTTPS blogs are going to be automatically changed to HTTPS and this means a whole new world for bloggers and webmasters who use this particular domain.

First, this means that all blogs on blogspot will be granted a free SSL Certificate whether it is something that you want or not. Before, the webmaster was the one who decided whether the HTTPS was right for your site. Today, it has become mandatory which means that you will need to be prepared for the benefits and potential consequences.

Blogger.com turns on HTTPS on blogspot blogs

The Blogger.com HTTPS Notification

The notification that was sent out by Blogger.com essentially stated that everyone who visits a blog on their domain would be able to view it through an encrypted connection. In addition, all bookmarks and links will still work on your site, but the HTTPS Availability setting will no longer be present and your blog will always use the HTTPS version that is available.

Those who log into their Blogger account will see the message and can interpret for themselves the ramifications of what it truly means. It should be noted that this is only for domains on Blogger.com that are free and that the custom ones will continue to go on functioning as they have in the past. That means there will be no support provided by free SSL HTTPS to custom domains.

While this will naturally cause some concern for webmasters because Blogger.com does have some limitations that are well known, the truth is that this particular change may bring about a better, more secured experience to those visiting the sites as well as have a positive impact on search engine optimization (SEO).

What is HTTPS?

The use of Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is basically a secure version of HTTP. This means that the data which is transferred between the user and server is now encrypted and protected from access or hacking from unwanted third parties.

HTTPS as a ranking signal

Perhaps the most notable impact is how it will affect the SEO of your site. With Google in particular placing a higher importance of HTTPS as compared to HTTP sites, the secured connection actually makes a positive impact thanks to the additional security. Better security means higher ratings for your blog.

In addition, your blog might actually run a little better with a secured connection as compared to your competition, some of which might not enjoy such a connection.

Since all of your traffic will now be automatically diverted, there will not be a negative effect in terms of loss or lowering of your SEO. In fact, this is actually a good move for blogspot.com and is certainly a worthwhile addition to all of their blogs as the support offers solid benefits for every blogger who uses their domain.